Tuesday 24 May 2022

Честит 24-ти май!

Честит 24-ти май! 

Кирилицата е едно от нещата, с които България трябва да се гордее. Винаги натъртвам, че е измислена в България и оттук, заедно с църковните книги, обикаля славянския свят. 

На всички, с отношение към образованието, културата и езика, честит празник! 

На снимката - старото школо, Трявна.

Today Bulgaria celebrates the day of the Cyrillic alphabet and Slavic culture. 

The picture: the "old school" in Tryavna, Bulgaria.

More interesting facts:

The Cyrillic alphabet was invented in 9th century Bulgaria. It is originally created in Bulgaria (no matter what your dictionary says). I need to say it twice because I've heard all kinds of nonsense. 

Cyril and Methodius invented the Glagolitic alphabet. It was not meant for Bulgaria but for Great Moravia in Central Europe. The Cyrillic alphabet was created by St. Clement of Ohrid and he named it after his favorite mentor, Apostle Cyril. It is much easier to write :)

Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher as was the whole name of Apostle Cyril was a respected teacher at the Magnaura school (a.k.a. the most prestigeous university in this part of the Medieval world) in Constantinople before he started creating the Glagolitic alphabet.

Cyril and Methodius were declared patron saints of Europe in 1980.

So, we can say that this day is the time when we commemorate not only the people who created the alphabet but also culture, literature and anyone involved in it :)